Charging a room or space with Reiki is an excellent way to clear
any unwanted energy from the area and raise the vibration of the energy
in the room. You can add Reiki energy in whatever environment you find
yourself and if you have Reiki II you can also send Reiki to distant
places. So let's begin with the basic techniques of putting Reiki into a
room or space. Before we proceed, let us remember that when doing Reiki
what is most important is your intention. So when you set out to clear a
space with Reiki energy, clearly set your intention that it will be so
and it will.
Now we are ready to begin. I suggest always clearing your own chakras first with whatever symbol you feel is appropriate. You can do this by placing the symbol over each chakra and saying its name three times. The most basic technique for charging a room with Reiki energy is to draw Reiki symbols, three times each, first on the ceiling, then the floor and then on all four walls, repeating the name of the symbols as you draw it. You might immediately feel the energy of the room changing, if you do not, do not assume that no change has occurred. Because your intention was to clear the room and raise the vibration, it has occurred. If there are other people in the space you wish to clear and you do not feel comfortable performing the above technique, you can also clear the space by imagining the Reiki symbols and drawing them with your eyes and silent saying the names of the symbols as you do.
I prefer using a technique I developed called the Reiki Bubble. I just imagine a big bubble, as large as necessary, filled with Reiki and Reiki symbols. For example, if I want to put Reiki energy around myself I just say Reiki Bubble and visualize myself completely enclosed in a lovely, protective, clearing bubble of Reiki energy. You can use the Reiki Bubble to surround a whole room, a building, a city, a state, the world and even out into the Universe. You can also use the name of the system of Reiki to which you are attuned along with the bubble as in Merkeba Reiki Bubble.
If you wish to add Reiki energy to rooms in your house you may also draw Reiki symbols on paper and place them in books on a book shelf or tape them to the back of pictures you have hanging on your wall. Place them under plants, lamps, electronic devices, in the kitchen pantry and even in the refrigerator. You will raise the energy everywhere you place the symbols. I bought small cedar blocks, which are normally used in drawers and closets, and drew a Reiki symbol on each piece. When I do Reiki I bring them out and arrange them around me to add more Reiki energy. As soon as I open the small wooden box in which I keep them, I can feel the Reiki vibration.
Start filling the world with Reiki and soon you will find that you leave Reiki wherever you go.
Now we are ready to begin. I suggest always clearing your own chakras first with whatever symbol you feel is appropriate. You can do this by placing the symbol over each chakra and saying its name three times. The most basic technique for charging a room with Reiki energy is to draw Reiki symbols, three times each, first on the ceiling, then the floor and then on all four walls, repeating the name of the symbols as you draw it. You might immediately feel the energy of the room changing, if you do not, do not assume that no change has occurred. Because your intention was to clear the room and raise the vibration, it has occurred. If there are other people in the space you wish to clear and you do not feel comfortable performing the above technique, you can also clear the space by imagining the Reiki symbols and drawing them with your eyes and silent saying the names of the symbols as you do.
I prefer using a technique I developed called the Reiki Bubble. I just imagine a big bubble, as large as necessary, filled with Reiki and Reiki symbols. For example, if I want to put Reiki energy around myself I just say Reiki Bubble and visualize myself completely enclosed in a lovely, protective, clearing bubble of Reiki energy. You can use the Reiki Bubble to surround a whole room, a building, a city, a state, the world and even out into the Universe. You can also use the name of the system of Reiki to which you are attuned along with the bubble as in Merkeba Reiki Bubble.
If you wish to add Reiki energy to rooms in your house you may also draw Reiki symbols on paper and place them in books on a book shelf or tape them to the back of pictures you have hanging on your wall. Place them under plants, lamps, electronic devices, in the kitchen pantry and even in the refrigerator. You will raise the energy everywhere you place the symbols. I bought small cedar blocks, which are normally used in drawers and closets, and drew a Reiki symbol on each piece. When I do Reiki I bring them out and arrange them around me to add more Reiki energy. As soon as I open the small wooden box in which I keep them, I can feel the Reiki vibration.
Start filling the world with Reiki and soon you will find that you leave Reiki wherever you go.
Wendy Ann Zellea is a software analyst, MerKiVa Reiki Master and
author of "Do You Want to Be Happy NOw? and the Happy Awareness monthly
E-Zine. She serves on the boards of the Association for Higher Awareness
and Growing Consciousness.
Article Source ref - your own Reiki Healing DVD set - go to
Materialists claim the existence is because of matter and it's the focal point of our existence, whereas spiritualists maintain that matter is nothing but an inert thing and that without consciousness the world wouldn't exist. There is another section called energetists who argue the basis of existence is energy.
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