Your Introduction To The Miraculous Mysteries of Reiki
Dear Potential Reiki Healer,
I'm inviting you to grasp this wonderful and rare opportunity to learn the incredibly powerful ancient healing therapy of Reiki. Reiki was discovered in the late 1800s by the Japanese Buddhist; Dr Mikao Usui and is based on the sacred Sanskrit writings he studied for many years.
And, what's more, it is a healing power that every single person on this planet, including you, has in abundance… once you know how to channel the healing energies.
In a moment I'll tell you how you can activate your universal healing power in the privacy of your own home… but first let me reveal more about Reiki and what it does…
"Every existence has healing power. Plants, trees, animals, fish and insects, but
especially a human, as the lord of creation, has remarkable power. Usui Reiki Ryoho
materializes the healing power that human has."
(translation from) Dr Mikao Usui; Founder of Reiki
What is Reiki?
In Japanese Rei means Universal and Ki is Life Energy. So Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) means Universal Life Energy. It is a holistic therapy used to remove blockages that prevent the universal energy source entering and radiating along the meridians throughout your body. An imbalance of energy creates illness - effectively dis-ease. Remove the blockages and your life-energy flows.
When the energy flow is unobstructed your whole system is in balance; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In fact it is your energy field (Auras) that need to be in balance. Only then can your immune system work at its highest capacity to create a sense of well-being, prevent sickness and cure any illness you may be suffering.
You have 7 energy centres, known as Chakras. Directing energy flow through these Chakras balances your Auras.
The Chakras are positioned at key points along the front of your body:
- Base or Root Chakra - this links you to the physical world and feeds your physical and spiritual body
- Sacral Chakra - is your centre for sexual energy, creativity and emotions
- Solar Plexus Chakra - is the formation of being; brings in and takes out energy… you may have to protect yours when working with a patient if you feel an energy drain
- Heart Chakra - human love, when blocked can lead to heart attacks; when clear brings peace and understanding
- Throat Chakra - helps you express yourself; it is related tosound both physical and metaphysical
- 3rd Eye Chakra - visions and imagination
- Crown Chakra - aligned with the base Chakra; the divine universal life energy enters at this point
You apply Reiki to each of the Chakras; you are effectively acting as a conduit for universal energy. The 'patient' draws that energy in to dissolve and clear any blockages in their system so putting their Auras back in balance.
If someone is suffering from a particular illness or pain or is generally unwell in a particular part of the body you focus on the Chakra associated with that area.
Working on all Chakras during a session creates an overall sense of well-being - even if there
is no apparent illness to treat.
Now, of course, you cannot see the energy being drawn in, but both you and your patient
feel the energy and enjoy a deep relaxation and inner calm.
For your patient there is an immediate reduction of stress… did you know that in 2008/09 the Labour Force Survey discovered that 415,000 individuals in the UK claimed work-related stress was making them ill? Reduce the stress and you minimise - even eliminate - the likelihood of illness.
Reiki's holistic approach is a massive stress-buster, so you can see why Reiki is a popular
alternative therapy.
What Does Reiki Do For You?
Reiki heals all types of conditions and ailments. Even if you are generally healthy, having a
Reiki session boosts your sense of well-being and minimises the risk of succumbing to illness
and disease.
Here are some of the benefits people have reported experiencing from Reiki…
- Reduces stress, creates an inner calm, and a feeling of deep relaxation, comfort and peace; you are able to handle potentially stressful situations without getting uptight
- Improves blood circulation and can stop small bleedings
- Cleanses and detoxifies your inner organs such as your liver, kidneys, arteries, spleen, gall bladder, ungs and heart
- Speeds up recovery from surgery or long-term illness; it is recognised as an effective complementary treatment
- Helps minimise the side-effects of prescribed drugs - such as those given to chemo-therapy patients
- Reduces pain and helps the healing process if you injure yourself
- Aids better sleep so you wake feeling fully refreshed and energised
- Increases vitality and slows the aging process - you feel and look younger for longer
- Boosts your immune system so it protects you against harmful bacteria
"Can any illness be cured by Usui Reiki Ryoho?"
His reply…
"Any illness such as psychological or an organic disease can be cured by this method."
How Does Reiki Work?
It is generally accepted that all matter is made up of energy, including living things. So your
body has its own energy field that is constantly changing. If your energy is low or blocked,
you are more likely to fall ill. But if it is high and flowing freely, you maintain your immune
system which in turn keeps you healthy.
Holistic therapists often say this energy is our life-force; others refer to it as God, Buddha,
Chi, Qi, Prana, Universal Energy or similar. Although the term 'God' may be used, Reiki is not connected to any religious beliefs and, in fact, a Reiki practitioner does not need any religious or spiritual convictions for these techniques to work.
Reiki balances your energy fields (known as Auras) through your energy centres (Chakras).
As I mentioned earlier, removing the energy blockages creates the right conditions for your
body's healing system to function properly.
As a Reiki therapist you assist your 'patient' to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically by simply laying your hands over their Chakras. You act as a conduit to the Universal Life Force to bring the patient's energy fields into balance and alignment.
Can Anyone Learn Reiki?
Yes! Anyone can learn how to use Reiki to heal; even a child could learn the principles of Reiki. Because, as I said earlier, we are all made up of energy we have the inherent ability to direct that energy for healing… you do not need any medical or anatomical knowledge to apply Reiki.
When asked if medical knowledge is needed the Reiki founder, Dr Usui, said
"My method is beyond a modern science so you do not need knowledge of medicine. If brain disease occurs, I treat a head. If it's a stomach ache, I treat a stomach. If it's an eye disease, I treat eyes."
In fact all you need is a desire to heal and the intention to follow his 5 Reiki principles:
1. Just for today I will not get angry.
2. Just for today I will not worry.
3. Just for today I will work hard.
4. Just for today I will give thanks for my blessings.
5. Just for today I will be kind to every living thing.
Following these principles enhances your own well-being and energy flow and places you in the perfect position for helping yourself stay healthy and helping others achieve the ultimate energy balance.
People who are new to Reiki start by learning how to heal themselves, family and friends. This is the first degree of Reiki. More advanced degrees of Reiki (the 4th degree is Reiki Master) allow you to help others who are not known to you (in some cases with distant healing) and, eventually, to teach others the Reiki therapy system and principles.
How Can I Learn Reiki?
You can attend a Reiki course with a Reiki Master, who will help you activate your inner Reiki talent. Costs range from $200 to over $900 depending upon who you choose and the location, I'll explain in a moment how you can drastically cut that cost.
Now it is worth knowing that because Reiki is working with Universal Energy - which is constant throughout the universe (as the name implies) - you do not have to attend a practical training session to understand and start using Reiki.
You can become attuned to Reiki in the privacy of your own home and without spending a fortune on course fees, travelling and accommodation - it soon mounts up, doesn't it?
Announcing our home-study course…
'Reiki Healing'
On the first DVD you meet your Reiki Master and Teacher, Cher. She is a holistic therapist and has been giving treatments for over 18 years. She provides Reiki therapy and other complementary therapies. She has helped numerous individuals eliminate or drastically reduce their health problems.
And now she wants to help you to discover how to use Reiki and benefit from this healing energy as you apply it to yourself and to others.
'Reiki Healing' reveals:
DVD 1: Reiki Origins
- Origins of Reiki and Dr Usui's healings
- The miraculous connection between Buddha, Jesus and You
- The 4 degrees of Reiki
- White Light Meditation
DVD 2: Reiki Therapy Preparation
- 2 natural, purifying elements - use these to clear negative energies
- Reiki symbols and their meanings
- Discover the surprising effects of specific essential oils
- How to - and why - use crystals in your therapy room
- How to clear and energise your therapy room
- Understanding the influences of the 7 Chakras
- How to balance your will centres
- Therapist preparation - how to purify and protect yourself
- Patient preparation - clearing for your client's highest benefit
- How to scan for your client's energy blockages
DVD 3: Reiki Procedure
Watch Cher as she guides you, step-by-step, through a whole-body Reiki procedure.
Starting with each of the 7 Chakras, Cher explains how Reiki affects different parts of
the patient's body and inner organs.
Moving onto the will centres, you learn how to align these with the patient's Chakras.
In a second session on this enlightening DVD Cher describes how to use essential oils
and crystals to enhance the Reiki procedure and increase ambience and peace.
Sounds Fascinating… How Much Does It Cost?
I've already mentioned that if you attended a course you could be asked to pay anything
from $200 to $900 or more plus travelling and accommodation costs. And, for a life-enhancing skill like this, even the higher priced courses are great value. Just think about the tangible health benefits you gain from using Reiki therapy, whether it's to help yourself or to help others.
So, by now, you're probably thinking this DVD set - that reveals all you need to know to get
started as a first degree therapist - is probably going to be similar to the lowest course price
I've mentioned above.
Well, the good news is it's not even close to that figure. You see I'm keen to share this wonderful knowledge (I follow Dr Usui's principles too) and I'd hate for you to miss this chance to balance your life energies by asking a price that may be impractical for you.
That's why - for less than the price of a good meal out - I'd like to send you the complete
'Reiki Healing' DVD set. Yes - you can gain the immediate benefits for just…$37
Now, I think you'll agree, your health and your family and friends' well-being is certainly worth such a small investment, isn't it?
But I'm going to go a step further because I want you to experience this for yourself and you may be a little unsure about what these DVDs contain. So this is what I'm going to do for you…
Request your 'Reiki Healing' DVDs today and I'll make this simple promise to you…
Your 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Watch the 'Reiki Healing' DVDs; activate your inner Reiki healing energy and use it in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Take 30 days to check the quality of the presentation and content and ...
If you don't agree that these DVDs have given you a clear understanding of the Chakras and how to use Reiki to balance life force energy fields or if you don't agree that the quality of the video filming is superb, then simply return the DVDs in resalable condition within 30 days and I'll willingly send you a full and courteous refund.
Now, that's fair, isn't it?
Ready to learn the Reiki life-enhancing therapy skill?
The sooner you start the sooner you feel the benefits and the sooner you can help your family and friends achieve inner peace and improved health. So go ahead - order your 'Reiki Healing' DVD set now.
Join the growing number of people world-wide who love Reiki and are enjoying the health benefits it delivers. Discover your inner life-force energy in the comfort of your own home. Request your 'Reiki Healing' DVD set TODAY!
Best Regards,
Shella Astle
P.S. Anyone can learn how to use the incredible (sometimes miraculous) healing powers of Reiki … and now you can become attuned in the comfort and privacy of your home for far less than the cost of attending a Reiki training course.
It feels like you have ultimate power to control your mind, your soul, and your health. Reiki Toronto provides you the control of yourself.