Balancing the Chakras With Reiki

Some people only use the standard hand positions when giving Reiki without realizing other procedures are a valuable part of the overall healing process. These include balancing the chakras, closing the aura, grounding, and reflecting on the healing session.

Balancing the Chakras

Balancing the chakras after a healing session brings the whole being into tune. Balancing the chakras smoothes out energy excesses or deficiencies. It also balances people between their physical and spiritual selves; between their feeling and thinking selves; between action and communication. Please refer to the photo in my author profile to to confirm the location of each of the chakras. To balance the chakras,
  • Place one hand on the crown and your other hand on the root until you feel the energy between the two chakras is balanced. This position brings the physical nature of the first chakra into tune with the spiritual aspects of the crown chakra. Observe the feelings in your hands until the sensations from both hands come into equilibrium. Your hands may automatically move of their own accord when the chakras are properly balanced.
  • Hold one hand at the brow chakra and your other hand at the navel chakra until they feel balanced. This position brings the emotions and pleasures of the second chakra into balance with the intellectual and analytical characteristics of the sixth chakra. Be sure to keep your arms and hands relaxed or you may not be able to sense the subtle energies that indicate balance.
  • Hold one hand at the throat chakra and one hand at the solar plexus until they feel balanced. Hold this position until both hands experience the same sensations. In some cases, one hand may feel heavier or tenser than the other. This position balances the action orientation of the third chakra with the communicative and creative energies of the fifth chakra.
  • Bring both hands to the heart chakra until the energy in both hands feels balanced. From this position, I like to lift my hands high like an eagle spreading its wings to open the heart chakra to universal love. The process of opening chakras will be explained in more detail in an upcoming article.
Closing the Aura

After healing, it's important to clean up the energy around your patient and put everything in order. Closing the aura leaves your patient surrounded by goodness. Relatively speaking, this process compares to cleaning up the table after dinner and putting the dishes back in the cupboard. Take the following steps to close your aura after self healing or for closing your patient's aura after a healing session.
  1. Place one hand above the crown
  2. With your other hand, draw an orbit around the whole body
  3. Imagine a cocoon of pure positive energy surrounding them
  4. Mentally and physically separate yourself from the healing; step back one metre (three feet) to give your patient their own space
  5. Mentally and physically "cut" the connection between you and your patient with a downward chopping motion of your arms
  6. Thank Reiki for performing the healing with a blessing; gratitude is an important aspect of the healing process
  7. Confirm that both you and your patient are well grounded
I would like to share one colourful experience concerning the closing of the aura. When I first met ten year old Kantu at Mosoq Runa children's home in Urubamba, PerĂº, she was withdrawn from everybody and expressed deep fear in her eyes. Throughout her first Reiki session, she held her eyes wide open, almost in alarm. This made sense, as I later found out that she had been abandoned as a baby. When we met two weeks later, she was smiling and much more trusting. She sighed deeply throughout the second session and continuously cleared her throat. Her relief was very evident. When she awoke, she reported in Spanish that she had lovely dreams of riding stars with all her friends. When we met for her third session, I received the warmest welcome. She ran up to me in the kitchen, gave me a big hug and asked if she could receive Reiki that day. She absorbed a great deal of energy and slumbered into a deep sleep.

As I completed the healing, I intuitively felt that I should provide extra protection for her. As I closed her aura, I walked around seven times, visualising all the colours of the chakras: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. I felt confident this would give her vital protection. When she awoke with a joyful look in her eyes, she reported that she had seen arco iris, Spanish for rainbow. This was a beautiful example of communication through energy.


Many people feel a little bit spacey after receiving Reiki. Some people report feeling very light, so we joke that this is a great way to lose weight! An interesting story about grounding happened to one of my Thai students. Every night, San diligently performed a self-healing beginning at her brow chakra and then moving down her body. Invariably, she fell asleep during the process and never completed the full treatment. Consequently, the energy in her upper chakras was always very high and she was feeling spacey and out of touch. I suggested that she begin self-healings at her feet, then work upwards to her head, or until she fell asleep, whichever came first. At our next session, she reported that self-healing beginning from the feet was more effective and kept her well grounded.

To ground a person, place your hands on their feet. This helps them feel well connected to earth and completes the energy circuit. It prevents people from feeling spacey after a healing.

To cleanse yourself after a healing, hold your hands above your head and visualise a beam of white light showering down on your crown chakra. Allow the light of this Reiki Shower to rinse away any negative energy. Sweep your hands through your aura as described above. Additionally, imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth in order to ground yourself more thoroughly.

Reflecting on a Healing Session

Some patients lie very still after receiving Reiki. I honour their peaceful posture and allow them to relax for a while. That gives me time to wash my hands, have a few glasses of water and freshen up. Eventually, you need to rouse your patient, have them sit up and reflect on the healing session. Serve them a glass of water, as Reiki may make them thirsty.

Discuss the healing experience with your patient, asking what they experienced and felt. Then, share your own observations and feelings. Exchanging observations in this way puts the healing process in a holistic perspective, helping both people to participate in the co-healing nature of Reiki.

Discuss the detoxification process that may follow a healing. This can include sleepiness, frequent urination, flatulence, diarrhoea, rashes, fever, excessive menstrual bleeding or temporary headaches. These symptoms are part of what is called a healing crisis. A healing crisis can take place when the body has been stimulated towards balance or purity. The body naturally aims towards health by releasing accumulated toxins through all channels of elimination. Keep in mind, all healing depends completely on what a person is ready to release. So, some people may cry after returning home while others may be very sleepy for a couple of days.

To learn more about Reiki healing and training in Thailand, please visit my websites:
You may also be interested to read my book, "Personal Transformation through Reiki" available online from Amazon.

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