An Overview Of A Reiki Master Healer

An Overview Of A Reiki Master Healer

A technique that has gained in popularity over the past few years is Reiki. It is a Japanese way to reduce stress, relax, and promote healing performed by individuals who have been trained in specific methods and techniques of the practice. A reiki master healer is at the mid-level of skill in this technique and understanding something about it first should help clarify why this form of healing so powerful.

The technique utilizes the "laying on of hands" and is based on the fact that "life force energy" flows through the body of an individual. The energy within a person is believed to be their source of life so if it is low an individual will often become sick. Therefore, Reiki seeks to maintain a high energy level that keeps a person happy and healthy.

The treatment one can expect from a master in this art is a feeling of warmth that radiates in and around the body. Body, emotions, mind, and spirit are all impacted leaving feeling at-peace, secure, and well. It's a simple, natural, and safe alternative that can be used by anyone. Additionally, it will not interfere with other medical procedures one may be undergoing.

A healer has perfected the first two levels of the technique, but a master healer has also achieved the third level. At this level the healer is able to channel the energy of the universe in order to pass it on others who may be in need. At this level, healing can occur whether the recipient is close at hand or at a distance and can even transmit to larger audiences.

In doing their work they never take credit for the actual healing process as they understand that it is the reiki process that does the healing. On the other hand, they also won't blame themselves if desired results are not achieved. If the patient is not receptive this technique will not work.

It is difficult to move from one level to the next and is achieved when chakras are opened by a Master or Grandmaster. It's always easier for those attempting to achieve this level to work with someone who in a "hands-on" setting where the ability to heal can be transferred to the healer. It generally takes about three days of intense training to achieve this goal.

The desire of most professionals in this field is to help others. Although it is not a religion, those in the field are still encouraged to act and live in such a way that harmony is promoted when interacting with others. For the reiki master healer, a commitment has been made to continue to improve one's self while helping others.

Tut Sugi is a Yoga Practitioner who wrote articles on spirituality as well. He has been a Reiki Master Healer since 2004. If you are looking for any info about yoga for beginners please visit:

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1 comment:

  1. If you know yourself, you will empower yourself with knowledge to heal yourself, and that empowerment generates energy healing. If you know yourself, you will make more right choices, than wrong ones, regarding your health. In making those choices, you are creating energy healing to bring about self-healing.

    Ilchi Lee
